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Veteran David Blyth

SAMVOE Communications Officer


Veteran Gary Porter

David Blyth served in the South African Navy from 1968 to 2016, and retired as a Commander. He joined SAMVO in July, 2023.

The SAMVOE Communications Officer will manage all matters pertaining to membership satisfaction, public image and liaison with similar organisations, including South African support organisations within the SAMVO Entity’s Zone of influence.

He/she will ensure that noteworthy events are posted on the SAMVO Website and/or Face Book.

He/she will formulate and propose policy for consideration by the SAMVOE Executive, in line with cultural and demographic sectors of the Zone and/or associated, in accordance with the SAMVO Director Communications.

His/her line responsibility is to the SAMVOE Chairperson, with staff accountability to the SAMVO - Director Communications (ascending) and to the Regional Communication Officers within his/her Zone (descending).

He did his basics on SAS Simonsberg, his apprenticeship on SAS Wingfield, and he served at Maritime HQ and on SAS Pres Kruger. As a Petty Officer, he joined Wonderboom Commando in 1993, and transferred to SA Naval Reserve in 1998. He retired at the age 65 as a Cdr (Engineering Officer). From 1995 he worked for the SANDF as an engineer in a PSAP capacity till his retirement in 2016

"Founded as SAMVOA – South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia in Australia in 2003”
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